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okay maybe not so light-hearted anymore.Thieves Guild Questline (Elder Scrolls).Brynjolf & Female Dovahkiin | Dragonborn.Sil_the_Rogue Fandoms: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Language: English Words: 14,454 Chapters: 7/? Comments: 6 Kudos: 53 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 306 Part 2 of Little Girl Lost- a Skyrim series. Gwenn, the so-called Dragonborn, is very much not a hero, and very much not about to change that fact.

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When the Greybeards summon her to High Hrothgar, she gets as far as Ivarstead. before deciding she's had enough of Skyrim and turning tail. Riften is near the border, it shouldn't be a problem to get some coin there before leaving for Cyrodiil. The problem is, some chances are too good to pass on them. And Brynjolf is offering one hell of a chance.

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Disclaimer: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim belongs to Bethesda.

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