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Relative unknowns Cailee Spaeny, Zoey Luna, Gideon Adlon and Lovie Simone star although look out for bigger names David Duchovny and Michelle Monaghan too. There are even some nods to the first film for the fans too. The cult nineties movie about four schoolgirl witches gets a contemporary reboot, perhaps lacking the coolness of the original but with a strong message of inclusivity that’s nicely played.

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This is an inspirational tale of a true one-off, the spiritual leader of a band who fought against the odds (and fashion) to become one of the UK’s biggest entertainment exports. It doesn't even matter if you're a fan of Queen of not. This biopic of the late, great Queen frontman Freddie Mercury might have had a troubled production but with Rami Malek's remarkable (and Oscar-winning) performance at its heart, you wouldn't notice.

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